Hendrik I (1626-1699) was father to Hendrik II (1664-1739), both of whom were publishers in Amsterdam and were renowned for their maritime works. Hendrick I published a number of sea atlases and pilots including his “Lichtende Colomne Ofte Zee-Spiegel", the “Zeeatlas Ofte Waterwereldt”, a “Nieuw Groot Stuurmans Zeespiegel”, a “Nieuw Groot Stuurmans Straetsboeck”, a “Nieuwe Groot Europa Wassende Grade Paskaer”t and a “Groote West-Indische Paskaert”. Doncker also published some portolan charts and various pilot guides in condensed form. Although he was competing with others such as Goos, Lootsman and Van Loon at this time, Hendrik achieved a considerable level of success – his work was for the most part original and his attention to detail and the continual up-dating of information on his charts, as that information became available, ensured his reputation. Perhaps the most important edition of Hendrik’s “Nieuwe Groote Vermeerderde Zeeatlas” was published by his son, Hendrik II c.1705. The sea-atlas was continually being improved and up-dated (having itself grown from the “Lichtende Columne Ofte Zeespiegel”) and enjoyed a long publication life-span. Hendrik II saw the addition of charts with increasing latitudes to the atlas, and published the work in its most complete form. Source: I.C.Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici Volume IV, pp.153-189.